Situm, M. (2024). Editorial: Strategic pathways for the future — Sustainability, resilience, and innovation in corporate governance and business strategy. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(4), 4–5
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Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., Mangafić, J., & Lazović-Pita, L. (2024). Smart mobility in German-speaking cities and Sarajevo: Differences, challenges, opportunities, and lessons for implementation success. Sustainability, 16(16), 7108.
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Sorrentino, G., Situm, M., Serpeninova, Y., Tumpach, M., & Juhaszova, Z. (2024). Supporting management decisions for M&A transactions based on the strategic allocation of intangible assets. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 22(2), 539-554.
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Lazović-Pita, L., Mangafić, J., Situm, M., & Sorrentino, G. (2023). Financing eco-friendly and smart urban public transport: A comparative analysis between German-speaking countries and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Erceg, A. (Hrsg.) Interdisciplinary Management Research XIX (pp. 550-569). Osijek: Studio HS internet.
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Situm, M. (2023). Financial distress in the Austrian tourism industry: Hotels and restaurants analysis. European Journal of Tourism Research, 34, 3411.
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Situm, M., & Märk, S. (2022). Internationality of value chain activities and the export orientation of micro- and small family businesses in Western Austria. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 12(4), 8-32.
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Plastun, A., Makarenko, I., Salabura, D., Serpeninova, Y., & Situm, M. (2022). Forecasting net investment position based on conventional and ESG stock market indices. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 19(3), 60-71.
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Makarenko, I., Plastun, A., Situm, M., Serpeninova, Y., & Sorrentino, G. (2021). Meta-analysis of the literature related to SDG 3 and its investment. Public and Municipal Finance, 10(1), 119-137.
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Situm, M. (2021). Editorial: New challenges and opportunities in strategic decision making. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 2(1), 4-6.
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Situm, M., Plastun, A., Makarenko, I., Serpeninova, Y., & Sorrentino, G. (2021). SDG 3 and financing instruments in Austria and Ukraine: Challenges and perspectives. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(3), 118-135.
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Situm, M., Märk, S., & Kathan, M. (2021). The use of management accounting in western Austrian family businesses: An empirical analysis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 18(3S), 379-394.
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Situm, M. (2019). Corporate performance and diversification from a resource-based view: A comparison between small and medium-sized Austrian firms. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 29(3), 78-96.
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Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Hein, T. (2018). Der Einfluss von Online-Bewertungen auf Kaufentscheidungen: Müssen Unternehmen umdenken? Marke41, 11(6), 8-13.
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Hotko, T., Situm, M., & Sorrentino, G. (2018). Die Marke – ein wirtschaftliches (monetäres) Asset?! Marketing Review St. Gallen, 35(4), 80-86.
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Situm, M., & Martinez Mateos, R. M. (2017). The strategic view of supply chain management and its association with risk. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 11(1), 87-134.
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Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Vogt, T. (2016). Die Emanzipation des Markenwerts. Marke41, 9(4), 18-22
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Situm, M. (2016). The divergence between corporate success and crisis: The separability of recovered and healthy companies. The Macrotheme Review, 5(4), 49-80.
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Situm, M. (2016). Die Aktivitätsliste: Erkennung und Messung von Kernprozessen im Unternehmen. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 85(4), 289–292.
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Situm, M. (2015). Teamentwicklung mit der Flexibilitätsmatrix: Wie man die Effizienz von Teams in Organisationen prüft und steigert. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 84(3), 207–211.
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Situm, M. (2015). Analysis of correlational behavior of solvent and insolvent firms based on accounting ratios. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 11(5), 233–259.
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Situm, M. (2015). Cash Pooling als Instrument für eine optimierte Liquiditätsplanung im Controlling. Controller Magazin, 40(1), 11–16.
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Situm, M. (2015). The relevance of trend variables for the prediction of corporate crises and insolvencies. Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 18(1), 17–49.
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Situm, M. (2015). The relevance of employee-related ratios for early detection of corporate crises. Economic and Business Review, 16(3), 279–314.
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Situm, M. (2014). The inability of gearing-ratio as predictor for early warning systems. Business Systems Research Journal, 5(2), 23–45.
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Situm, M. (2014). The age and the size of the firm as relevant predictors for bankruptcy. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 2(1), 5–30.
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Situm, M. (2014). Einsatz von Diskriminanzanalyse und logistischer Regression im strategischen Controlling.Controller Magazin, 39(2), 35–40.
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Situm, M. (2013). Business failure prediction models based on expert knowledge. Czech Journal of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, 2(4), 28–45.
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Situm, M. (2007). Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung im Debitorenmanagement. Der BTV Kompass für Bank und Wirtschaft, unternehmen, Juli, 11–13.
Situm, M. (2006). BTV Consulting im Zahlungsverkehr – Analysen zur Prozessoptimierung im Unternehmen.Der BTV Kompass für Bank und Wirtschaft, unternehmen, Dezember, 28–29.
Situm, M. (2006). Cash Pooling mit der BTV – Eine Gesamtlösung für drei Länder. Der BTV Kompass für Bank und Wirtschaft, unternehmen, August, 40–41.
Situm, M. (2005). Zinsoptimierung durch Cash Pooling. Der BTV Kompass für Bank und Wirtschaft, unternehmen, März, 24–25.